Exploring His Kingdom

The Charismatic Heart of Jesus - An Interview with Maximus Cabey

Lincoln Wood and Maximus Cabey Season 2 Episode 13

Uncovering the Spiritual Gifts found in the heart of Jesus.

Here are the Scripture passages referenced in the episode:

  • 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11, 28-31
  • Romans 12: 6-9
  • 1 Peter 4: 10-11
  •  Ephesians 4: 11-13

And the books mentioned as well:

  • The Spiritual Gifts Handbook: Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom -By Dr. Mary Healy & Dr. Randy Clark
  • Lord, Renew Your Wonders: Spiritual Gifts for Today - By Damian Stayne

Here is the info for the Encounter Satellite Campus as well:


